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Set up your GKE Cluster

Skip this section if you already have a target cluster set up.

If you don't, follow the GKE quick start guide or the steps below:


Install gcloud SDK

Install the kubectl by running:

gcloud components install kubectl

Set a default project:

gcloud config set project project-id

Set a default compute zone:

gcloud config set compute/zone compute-zone

Create the cluster

Run the following command to create a 2 node cluster:

gcloud container clusters create cluster-name --num-nodes=2 --machine-type=e2-standard-2

Please review, GCP's docs for more deployment details and insructions.

Connect to the Cluster

Once created, get authentication credentials:

gcloud container clusters get-credentials cluster-name

And, verify you have the intended nodes active:

kubectl get nodes

Deploy Pixie

Once connected, follow the install steps to deploy Pixie.

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