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Connection-level stats. This table contains statistics on the communications made between client-server pairs. For network-level information such as RX/TX errors and drops, see the Network-Layer Stats (network_stats) table.

time_TIME64NSMETRIC_COUNTERTimestamp when the data record was collected.
upidUINT128GENERALAn opaque numeric ID that globally identify a running process inside the cluster.
remote_addrSTRINGGENERALIP address of the remote endpoint.
remote_portINT64GENERALPort of the remote endpoint.
trace_roleINT64GENERAL_ENUMThe role (client-or-server) of the process that owns the connections.
addr_familyINT64GENERAL_ENUMThe socket address family of the connection.
protocolINT64GENERAL_ENUMThe protocol of the traffic on the connections.
sslBOOLEANGENERAL_ENUMWas SSL traffic detected on this connection.
conn_openINT64METRIC_COUNTERThe number of connections opened since the beginning of tracing.
conn_closeINT64METRIC_COUNTERThe number of connections closed since the beginning of tracing.
conn_activeINT64METRIC_GAUGEThe number of active connections
bytes_sentINT64METRIC_COUNTERThe number of bytes sent to the remote endpoint(s).
bytes_recvINT64METRIC_COUNTERThe number of bytes received from the remote endpoint(s).
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